A Few Resources for Learning Punctuation Rules in Arabic Writing

Here are a few useful resources for students of the sacred sciences who want to understand the use of punctuation marks (ʿalāmāt al-tarqīm) in the Arabic language. Students will notice, for the most part, that the rules are similar to European languages.

The following work, authored by Aḥmad Zakī Pāshā (Bāshā), is the earliest work on the subject that I have come across. This edition was published by Shaykh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Abū Ghuddah’s publishing house and with his preface. It should suffice most students as a reference.

al-Tarqīm wa ʿAlāmatuhu fī al-Lughah al-ʿArabiyyah li Aḥmad Zakī Bāshā

A colleague at Darul Qasim suggested the following work by his teacher Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muʿizz al-Tūnisī, and friend of my own teacher Shaykh Ramzī al-Ḥabīb al-Tūnisī. The work is not available in pdf format but can be purchased here: “al-Inshāʾ wa ʿAlāmāt al-Tarqīm wa-l-Imlāʾ”

The following web page contains a brief overview of the punctuation marks and how they are used. It can be useful for a quick review:

علامات الترقيم في الكتابة العربية ومواضع استعمالها

An even more concise review of the marks can be found at the following webpage:

علامات الترقيم

If you know of other beneficial sources, please do share and I will add them to this list.

Arabic Reading List for Students of Knowledge by Mawlana Shahin-ur Rahman

By Shahin-ur Rahman

In order to comfortably read Arabic texts without the need for diacritical marks, one must master the rules pertaining to Naḥw and Ṣarf before embarking on the reading journey. Not only is it an imperative to familiarise oneself with all the rules of grammar, but to be able to apply them into real literature and produce one’s own prose is of more importance. Therefore, it would not be incorrect to say the ability to read Arabic poetry and prose without diacritical marks is a skill acquired, not a science studied.

To reach such a stage, below is a suggested reading list which has been prepared upon request by a student of knowledge.

Note: The list will exclude any non-Arabic primers; the following list has been written for those who already have previous, albeit basic, knowledge of the fundamental Arabic sciences.Read More »

كيفية تنمية المهارات اللغوية العربيّة

كيفية تنمية المهارات اللغوية العربيّة

بقلم : نور عالم خليل الأميني

الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده . وبعد :

فأيها الإخوة الكرام ! يطيب لي أولاً أن أُهْدِيَ إليكم أطيبَ التحياتِ وأصدقَ التمنياتِ ؛ لأنكم تجتمعون الآن باسم اللغة العربية ، التي هي أشرفُ اللغاتِ باختيار الله إيّاها وعاءً لكتابِه الأخيرِ ، المهيمنِ على الكتبِ والصحفِ السماويَّةِ كلِّها ، وهي أَحْيَى الّلغَاتِ وأبقاها وأَخْلَدُها ؛ لأن الله عَزَّ وجَلَّ ضَمِنَ حفظَها من خلال وَعْدِه بحفظِ كتابِه ؛ فليس هناك في الكون لغةٌ أَحْرَىٰ بالتعليم والتعلّم من اللغة العربية ، وليس هناك لغةٌ أَنْفَعُ منها ؛ لأنها مفتاحُ علومِ الكتابِ والسنةِ. وقد أَهَّلَها اللهُ تعالى أن تَسْتَوْعِبَ كلامَه وتَسَعَ رسالتَه الخاتمةَ وأن تكون ذريعةً مُبَاشِرةً لآخر اتصالٍ للأرضِ بالسماء ؛ فالذين يتعلّمونها ويُعَلِّمونها ويشتغلون بها بأسلوب من الأساليب هم أَسْعَدُ مِنْ جميعِ الّذين يتعلّمون غيرَها من اللغات ، ويتخذونها هِوَايَةً لهم وشغلاً . فهنيئًا لكم أيها الإخوة الكرام . وَفَّقَكُمُ اللهُ تعالى لكلِّ ما يُحِبُّه ويرضاهRead More »

Arabic Biography of Hakīm al-Ummah Mawlānā Ashraf `Ali al-Thanawi

asSalaamu Alaikum,

A 563-page Arabic biography of Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali al-Thanawi (ra), written by Mawlana Muhammad Rahmatullah Nadwi. Contains an introduction by Mawlana Syed Rabi’ Hasani Nadwi (db) [the nephew of Mawlana Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi (ra) and his successor as the rector of the renowned seminary Nadwat al-Ulama].

Download:  أشرف علي التهانوي: حكيم الأمة وشيخ مشايخ العصر في الهند

Courtesy of Dr. Hanif Kamal of Ashrafiya.